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تبادل لینک هوشمند

برای تبادل لینک ابتدا ما را با عنوان عاشوراییان زنجان و آدرس b-zanjan.ir لینک نمایید سپس مشخصات لینک خود را در زیر نوشته . در صورت وجود لینک ما در سایت شما لینکتان به طور خودکار در سایت ما قرار میگیرد.

دیگر امکانات

آمار وب سایت:  

بازدید امروز : 671
بازدید دیروز : 9
بازدید هفته : 680
بازدید ماه : 671
بازدید کل : 1244316
تعداد مطالب : 888
تعداد نظرات : 177
تعداد آنلاین : 1

روزشمار محرم عاشورا جنگ دفاع مقدس
 سید علی اگر لب تر کند جان را فدایش می کنیم کربلا را تو مپندار که شهریست در میان شهرها و نامیست در میان نام‌ها  بازنده نگهداشتن عاشوراء کشور شما آسیب نخواهد دید السلام علیک یا ابا عبدالله بسیج لشگر مخلص خداست أَلَمْ تَرَ کَیْفَ ضَرَبَ اللّهُ مَثَلاً کَلِمَةً طَیِّبَةً کَشَجَرةٍ طَیِّبَةٍ أَصْلُهَا ثَابِتٌ وَفَرْعُهَا فِی السَّمَاء شهید نظر می کند به وجه الله
+ نوشته شده توسط فداییان رهبری در و ساعت 1:47 |

To the Youth in Europe and North America


Message of ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, Leader of The Islamic Republic of Iran

 In the name of God, the Beneficent the Merciful

 To the Youth in Europe and North America,

The recent events in France and similar ones in some other Western countries have convinced me to directly talk to you about them. I am addressing you, [the youth], not because I overlook your parents, rather it is because the future of your nations and countries will be in your hands; and also I find that the sense of quest for truth is more vigorous and attentive in your hearts.

I don’t address your politicians and statesmen either in this writing because I believe that they have consciously separated the route of politics from the path of righteousness and truth.

I would like to talk to you about Islam, particularly the image that is presented to you as Islam. Many attempts have been made over the past two decades, almost since the disintegration of the Soviet Union, to place this great religion in the seat of a horrifying enemy. The provocation of a feeling of horror and hatred and its utilization has unfortunately a long record in the political history of the West.

Here, I don’t want to deal with the different phobias with which the Western nations have thus far been indoctrinated. A cursory review of recent critical studies of history would bring home to you the fact that the Western governments’ insincere and hypocritical treatment of other nations and cultures has been censured in new historiographies.

The histories of the United States and Europe are ashamed of slavery, embarrassed by the colonial period and chagrined at the oppression of people of color and non-Christians. Your researchers and historians are deeply ashamed of the bloodsheds wrought in the name of religion between the Catholics and Protestants or in the name of nationality and ethnicity during the First and Second World Wars. This approach is admirable.

By mentioning a fraction of this long list, I don’t want to reproach history; rather I would like you to ask your intellectuals as to why the public conscience in the West awakens and comes to its senses after a delay of several decades or centuries. Why should the revision of collective conscience apply to the distant past and not to the current problems? Why is it that attempts are made to prevent public awareness regarding an important issue such as the treatment of Islamic culture and thought?

You know well that humiliation and spreading hatred and illusionary fear of the “other” have been the common base of all those oppressive profiteers. Now, I would like you to ask yourself why the old policy of spreading “phobia” and hatred has targeted Islam and Muslims with an unprecedented intensity. Why does the power structure in the world want Islamic thought to be marginalized and remain latent? What concepts and values in Islam disturb the programs of the super powers and what interests are safeguarded in the shadow of distorting the image of Islam? Hence, my first request is: Study and research the incentives behind this widespread tarnishing of the image of Islam.

تنها ره سعادت : ایمان ، جهاد ، شهادت

نظرات شما عزیزان:

نام :
آدرس ایمیل:
وب سایت/بلاگ :
متن پیام:
:) :( ;) :D
;)) :X :? :P
:* =(( :O };-
:B /:) =DD :S
-) :-(( :-| :-))
نظر خصوصی

 کد را وارد نمایید:




عکس شما

آپلود عکس دلخواه:

برچسب‌ها: نامه, خطاب, جوانان, اروپا , آمریکای شمالی, khamenei, اسلام, A Youth Leader in Europe and North America, Islam, Seyed, Ali, Khamenei,

لوگوی وبگاه
عاشورائیان زنجان
همکاران سایبری
ثامن تم

 هیئت بین الحرمین ساری

رزمنده سایبری
تخصصی مهدویت

???? ?????


?? ???? ?????? ????? ???? ???

هیئت متوسلین به حضرت زهرا(س)خرم آباد

مجمع فرهنگي رهپويان علي شهر سريش آباد

محل لوگوی شما محل لوگوی شما محل لوگوی شما محل لوگوی شما
موضوعات مطالب
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» داعش (57), » ایران (39), » عربستان (39), » عاشوراییان (39), » ایران (31), » یمن (28), » عراق (24), » داعش (22), » زنجان (22), » ترکیه (21), » عاشوراییان زنجان (21), » امریکا (18), » سوریه (16), » شهادت (16), » شهید (15),
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